LumiVibe Go2/Go3/Go4
Perfect for Life on the Go
Handheld Portable Controller
Cordless delivery of 12 near infrared & 12 red diodes 10 frequency modes (A,B,C 1-7)
- Portable Relaxation Red/Blue Eye Mask
- Portable Restoration Red/Yellow/Infrared Mask
- Portable Blue/Near Infrared Buster Pad
Go2 – Add One Portable Pad
Go3 – Add Two Portable Pads
Go4 – Add Three Portable Pads
*Please note only one pad connects to the controller at a time

LumiVibe Go Cordless Controller
- Portable, Perfect for Convenient Deep Delivery Sessions to a Specific Area & Travel
- Rechargable Lithium Ion Battery
Cordless Controller with 12 red 630 nm and 12 near infrared 840 nm medical grade diodes - 10 Harmonic Settings: A, B, C, 1-7
- Powers one portable pad at a time

LumiVibe Portable Blue Buster Pad
- 90 Medical Grade Diodes
- 40 Blue 465 nm
- 50 Near Infrared 840 nm
- Connects exclusively to our handheld portable controller

LumiVibe Portable Relaxation Eye Mask
- 98 Medical Grade Diodes
- 49 Red 660 nm
- 49 Blue 465 nm
- Helps the nervous system shift to a relaxed state to support resting, digesting and healing

LumiVibe Portable Restoration Mask
- 98 Medical Grade Diodes
- 27 Red 660 nm
- 44 Near Infrared 830 nm
- 27 Yellow/Amber 590 nm
- Delivers warm red light and deeply penetrating near infrared light which research has found increases nitric oxide release, oxygenation, and cellular energy production.
- Yellow/Amber Light has been long used in color therapy and chakra work to enhance feelings of Optimism, Detachment, Flexibility, Peace, Opening and is energetically associated with vision, digestion, lymph, joints, gallbladder, detoxification, pancreas, spleen, and immunity.